Child Safety and Security
Child Safety and Security
Child safety and security
children under 13
If you are 13 or younger, please register and attend classes with parental supervision.
Instead of opening an account yourself, you should ask a parent or guardian to open an account in your name and then learn with them until you are old enough for your own account.
Children aged 13 and over
At Sculin we think exchanging ideas is a great way to learn, so we encourage learning through conversation.
As with any online environment where you may talk to others, it is important to stay safe and be aware of any potential dangers, especially if you are under 18.
Before you start communicating with anyone, think about your online presence. It's a good idea to review the privacy settings on any social media profiles you may have and make sure you're happy with what you're sharing. What happens if you search for your own name? Were you surprised by any of the results?
Here are the best privacy tips for young students:
You can only use one letter for your last name on your profile, so you will appear to others as “First Name L” rather than “First Name Last Name.”
You may not use your own photo as your profile picture.
Only share direct contact information (like email address, phone number, or Instagram username) with users you trust – educators will never ask you for this information.
You don't have to share your exact location in the comments or on your profile – you can just enter your country and/or current city.
Be careful not to reveal other personal information about yourself or people you know, such as the names of family members, teachers, and friends.
Help us by calling and reporting anything you think may be unsafe.
Sculin moderators may hide comments containing personal details after you notify them, or remove them entirely if deemed necessary.
Want to check or make changes? Update your profile now.
What to do if you're worried
If you think you've made a mistake in a comment and you think you may have disclosed something you shouldn't, you can go back and edit your comment or profile at any time.
If you see anything on a comment or profile on Sculin that concerns you, you can report it immediately in our Help Center.
Additionally, if you are concerned about someone's behavior during class, you can reach your instructors for help through their profile links or email us directly.
If you think someone is creepy, for example if they keep asking questions about where you live or your family members, or if they ask for your contact information:
don't answer them
Contact us at info@sculin.com.
Protection in Sculin
If you have concerns about the communication or behavior of other students, faculty or Sculin staff, including what to do, you can contact us.