GREEK - Online Education (16 weeks)

GREEK - Online Education (16 weeks)

  • 16-week online live training
  • Individual coaching system
  • 6 group lessons per week
  • Lessons with Native Speaker or Native-like instructor
  • High-quality materials
  • Regular and continuous follow-up system

Communication is important in every aspect of life, and therefore, "GREEK" education is a perfect option for adults. This course, designed to help you achieve your future goals, ensures that you can speak Greek confidently in daily life. With our expert teachers and effective learning materials, you will rapidly improve your language skills.

  • 16-week online live training
  • Individual coaching system
  • 6 group lessons per week
  • Lessons with Native Speaker or Native-like instructor
  • High-quality materials
  • Regular and continuous follow-up system

Communication is important in every aspect of life, and therefore, "GREEK" education is a perfect option for adults. This course, designed to help you achieve your future goals, ensures that you can speak Greek confidently in daily life. With our expert teachers and effective learning materials, you will rapidly improve your language skills.

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