Almanca Alfabe
Almanca Alfabe
When starting to learn German, we can say that the first step is to learn the German alphabet. The alphabet forms the true basis of a language, and learning the alphabet and understanding how letters are pronounced plays an important role in learning the language.
German Alphabet
As Sculin.com, in this article, we shared the German alphabet, the pronunciation of the letters and some important tips. Lets start!
German Letters and Their Pronunciations
The alphabet is written as "alphabet" in English. There are 30 letters in total. These letters were formed in the Latin alphabet, just like in Turkish. However, a few letters are referred to as special letters in German. These letters and their pronunciation in German are as follows:
Harfler | Okunuşları | Harfler | Okunuşları |
a | a | n | en |
b | be | o | o |
c | tse | p | pe |
d | de | q | ku |
e | e | r | er |
f | ef | s | es |
g | ge | t | te |
h | ha | u | u |
i | i | v | fau |
j | yot | w | ve |
k | ka | x | iks |
l | el | y | upsilon |
m | em | z | tset |
Apart from these 26 letters, there are 4 special letters in German. These letters:
- Ä, ä : ee
- Ö, ö : öö
- Ü, ü : üü
- ß : Keskin s
German Alphabet - Sample Words and Translations
- A - Apfel (elma)
- B - Ball (top)
- C - Computer (bilgisayar)
- D - Dach (çatı)
- E - Elefant (fil)
- F - Fisch (balık)
- G - Garten (bahçe)
- H - Haus (ev)
- I - Insel (ada)
- J - Jahr (yıl)
- K - Katze (kedi)
- L - Lampe (lamba)
- M - Maus (fare)
- N - Nase (burun)
- O - Obst (meyve)
- P - Papier (kağıt)
- Q - Qualle (denizanası)
- R - Rose (gül)
- S - Sonne (güneş)
- T - Tisch (masa)
- U - Uhr (saat)
- V - Vogel (kuş)
- W - Wasser (su)
- X - Xylophon (ksilofon)
- Y - Yoga (yoga)
- Z - Zahn (diş)
Important Tips on the German Alphabet
Vowels and Consonants:
- There are 5 vowels in the German alphabet.
Vowels and consonants are very important for the pronunciation of German words.Harflerin Farklı Telaffuzları:
- In German, some letters are pronounced differently depending on the words. For example, the letter “S” is sometimes pronounced with the “z” sound and sometimes with the “s” sound.
Example: “Sonne” - pronounced with the z sound. “Haus” – pronounced with the s sound.
Uppercase and Lowercase Letters:
In German, capital letters are used at the beginning of sentences, while lowercase letters are used in the middle of words.
Pronunciation and Spelling Inconsistencies:
There are some phrases in German, and knowing how to read these phrases is one of the basic rules of learning German. Let's discover the pronunciation of German letters together!
German Pronunciations
Harfler | Telaffuzları | Harfler | Telaffuzları |
ai-ei | ay | ie | ii |
er | a,ea,arğ | Kelime sonu el | il,ıl |
Kelime sonu e | ı | Kelime sonu r | a |
eu,äu | oy | h | Kendinden önce gelen sesli harfi 2 kez okutturur. |
ß |
ss | s | z,s |
sp-st | şıp,şıt | sch | ş |
tsch | ç | z | ts |
ch | k,h | chen | şhyen |
ig | h | pf | f |
The German alphabet is the first subject to be learned when starting to learn German. This process can be started with the basic subject of reading the German alphabet. The German alphabet is an essential step for language students of all levels and is a must learn. Not only the letters, but also the pronunciation of the letters must be known well.
The lessons and resources on our website are here to support your start and learning process of German! You can visit Sculin.com for more useful information and such content!