English Clocks
English Clocks
Time is one of the most basic elements of life and time determines everything in our daily lives. When communicating in English, we often use English times and time expressions. As Sculin.com, in this article, we will examine English clocks, the pronunciation and writing of clocks, and the expressions used regarding time.
English Clocks
First of all, the time in English is generally translated as “What time is it?” or “What is the time?” is asked. There are some concepts that are frequently used when talking about clocks in English. These concepts:
- Hour (Saat):It is one of the periods of time in a day. 1 hour means 1 hour.
- Minute (Dakika):The time period within each clock that is smaller than the hour. 1 hour is 60 minutes in total.
- Second (Saniye):It is the time period smaller than a minute. Each minute is divided into 60 seconds.
- Clock (Saat): It describes the device used to physically keep track of time. It usually appears on the wall or table top. For example, “The clock shows 5 o'clock.”
- Watch (Saat): It is also useful for keeping track of time physically. But it is usually worn on the wrist. For example, "I looked at my watch”(Saatime baktım).
- Digital Clock (Dijital Saat): It is a device that shows the time with numbers on the screen. For example, ”Every alarm clock is digital”.
- Analog Clock (Analog Saat): AIt is a clock device that shows the time with hands and minute hands. For example, "I prefer an analog clock".
- Time Zone (Zaman Dilimi):The local time zone used by a particular region in the world. There are several different local time zones used by different regions. For example, "Canada is in the Eastern Time Zone".
- Daylight Saving Time (Yaz Saati Uygulaması):In some regions, clocks go forward one hour only during the summer months. This system is called summer time. For example, “the application where the clocks are moved forward one hour. For example, “"Don't forget tomorrow the clocks will be set forward for daylight saving time." (Don't forget, tomorrow the clocks will go forward one hour with daylight saving time).
- Alarm: A device set to sound at a certain time. For example, “I set an alarm for 9:00 every night because I need to take my medicine.”
English Time Zones
Full Hours
- İngilizce’de tam saatler direkt söylenebilir.
- For example, if the time is 13:47, this can be called “It is one forty-seven”.
Quarter past
- The concept of quarter past means quarter past one hour, that is, 15 minutes past.
- For example, if it is 14:15, we can say “It is quarter past two”.
Half past
- The concept of half past means half an hour. It is used to mean half past thirty.
- For example, if it is 19:30, we can say “It is half past seven”.
Quarter to
- We can think of the concept of quarter to as the opposite of quarter past. Quarter to means there is a quarter or 15 minutes.
- For example, if it is 17:45, we can say “It is quarter to six”.
Am ve Pm Nedir ?
- AM (Ante Meridiem): The concept of “AM” is a time concept of Latin origin, meaning “before noon”. “AM” is used for exact hours before 12 noon.
- PM (Post Meridiem): The concept of “PM” is a time concept of Latin origin, meaning “afternoon”. The concept of "PM" is used in the hours after 12 noon.
11:00 AM |
Sabah 11 |
5:00 PM |
Öğleden sonra 5 |
10:00 PM |
Akşam 10 |
7:00 AM |
Sabah 7 |
- Tomorrow, I have a class at 10:00 AM (Yarın saat 10’da dersim var). - Sabah
- The meeting starts at 3:30 PM (Toplantı saat 3:30’da başlıyor). - Öğleden Sonra
- "AM" ve "PM" ifadeleri, zamanı daha net bir şekilde ifade edebilmek için kullanılır. Özellikle iş hayatında sık sık kullanılan bu ifadelerde saatler spesifik bir şekilde bellidir.
English hours are a basic step in learning English at the beginner level and are a frequently talked about topic in daily life and daily conversations. To improve your English language skills with Sculin.com, you can start learning English for watches from this guide.
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