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English Days

In the "English Days" blog post, we explained the English equivalents of the days and what role these days can play in your language learning process.

English Days

In the "English days" blog post, the days of the week, which are the basic building blocks of our daily life, not only take place in the calendar and determine the day, but also open the door to different cultures and mythologies.

So, have you ever wondered why the days of the week are given these names, what are their origins and meanings? As Sculin.com, we have prepared this guide for you to learn the days of the week in English, their meanings and origins. If you're ready, let's explore!

How to Write Days in English?

Pazartesi  Monday
Salı Tuesday
Çarşamba Wednesday
Perşembe Thursday
Cuma Friday
Cumartesi Saturday
Pazar Sunday

English Days - Meanings and Origins

Pazartesi(Monday) : 

  • Monday is derived from the word "Moon". It means day of the month.
  • In many cultures, it represents the beginning of the work or school week.


Salı(Tuesday) : 

  • Tuesday's name in English comes from the word "Tiw's day".
  • Tiw is the god of war and victory in Northern European mythology.


Çarşamba(Wednesday) :

  • Wednesday comes from the Middle English word “Wodnesdag”.
  • This day is dedicated to the Ancient Norse god Odin. 


Perşembe(Thursday) : 

  • Thursday is derived from the word “Thor's day”.
  • Thor is the god of thunder and lightning in Northern European mythology.


Cuma(Friday) : 

  • Friday comes from the word "Frigg's day".
  • Frigg is the goddess of love and marriage in Northern European mythology.


Cumartesi(Saturday) : 

  • Saturday comes from the word "Saturn's day".
  • Saturn is the god of agriculture and fertility in Roman mythology.


Pazar(Sunday) : 

  • Sunday comes from the word "Sun's day".
  • In many cultures, Sunday symbolizes rest, prayer, and time spent with family.


Abbreviations of Days in English

Abbreviations for days in English may appear frequently in daily conversations. Abbreviations provide practical guidance and convenience in our daily lives. So, how are these abbreviations formed? Let's examine it together!

  • Pazartesi(Monday) : Mon
  • Salı(Tuesday) : Tue 
  • Çarşamba(Wednesday) : Wed
  • Perşembe(Thursday) : Thu 
  • Cuma(Friday) : Fri
  • Cumartesi(Saturday) : Sat 
  • Pazar(Sunday) : Sun 

Things to Consider When Writing Days in English

As in every language, there are some grammar rules here too. These rules:

  1. Starting with a Capital Letter: When writing days in English, the name of each day is started with a capital letter. For example: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.
  2. Using Abbreviations Correctly: When using English day abbreviations, the abbreviation is written in all capital letters and no period is placed at the end. For example: Mon, Tue, Wed, etc. However, this rule may differ for American and British English.
  3. Writing the Complete Days: When writing English days in full, the name of each day is started with a capital letter and written without abbreviations. For example: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.
  4. Showing Date: When writing dates, English days are started with all capital letters. For example: Monday, August 1st, 2024.
  5. When Expressing: In English, the preposition "on" is used to express days. For example: on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, etc.

English Days and Sample Sentences

Monday (Pazartesi):

  • Example: I have a meeting on Monday.
  • Translation: I have a meeting on Monday.

Tuesday (Salı):

  • Example:We go to the gym on Tuesday evenings.
  • Translation: We go to the gym on Tuesday evenings.

Wednesday (Çarşamba):

  • Example: She has a doctor's appointment on Wednesday morning.
  • Translation: She has a doctor's appointment on Wednesday morning.

Thursday (Perşembe):

  • Example: We usually have dinner with friends on Thursday nights.
  • Translation: We usually have dinner with friends on Thursday evenings.

Friday (Cuma):

  • Example: They always go out for drinks on Friday after work.
  • Translation: They always go out drinking on Friday after work.

Saturday (Cumartesi):

  • Example: We're planning a picnic in the park for Saturday.
  • Translation: We are planning a picnic in the park for Saturday.

Sunday (Pazar):

  • Example: I like to relax and read on Sunday mornings.
  • Translation: I like to relax and read a book on Sunday mornings.

Learning English days is an important step for language students of all levels. You can start learning this basic subject to improve your English language skills with Sculin.com. The lessons and resources on our website are here to support your English learning process! You can visit Sculin.com for more such content!


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