English Numbers: Writing and Reading from 1 to 100
English Numbers: Writing and Reading from 1 to 100
Knowing the English of numbers provides us with many conveniences in our daily lives. To these conveniences; Examples include improving basic communication skills in English, ease in cultural interactions, and academic success.
Let's take a look at the English versions of all the numbers from 1 to 100 that we have prepared for you as Sculin.com and how they are read!
How to Write and Read Numbers in English?
- Numbers 0-19
0 |
Zero(Ziro) |
1 |
One(Van) |
2 |
Two(Tu) |
3 |
Three(Tıri) |
4 |
Four(For) |
5 |
Five(Fayv) |
6 |
Six(Siks) |
7 |
Seven(Sevın) |
8 |
Eight(Eyt) |
9 |
Nine(Nayn) |
10 |
Ten(Ten) |
11 |
Eleven(Ilevın) |
12 |
Twelve(Tvelf) |
13 |
Thirteen(Törtiin) |
14 |
Fourteen(Fortiin) |
15 |
Fifteen(Fiftiin) |
16 |
Sixteen(Sikstiin) |
17 |
Seventeen(Sevıntiin) |
18 |
Eighteen(Eytiin) |
19 |
Nineteen(Nayntiin) |
- Numbers 20-39
20 |
Twenty(Tıventi) |
21 |
Twent one(Tıventi van) |
22 |
Twent two(Tıventi tu) |
23 |
Twenty three(Tıventi tıri) |
24 |
Twenty four(Tıventi for) |
25 |
Twenty five(Tıventi fayv) |
26 |
Twenty six(Tıventi siks) |
27 |
Twenty seven(Tıventi sevın) |
28 |
Twenty eight(Tıventi eyt) |
29 |
Twenty nine(Tıventi nayn) |
30 |
Thirty(Törti) |
31 |
Thirty one(Törti van) |
32 |
Thirty two(Törti tu) |
33 |
Thirty three(Törti tıri) |
34 |
Thirty four(Törti for) |
35 |
Thirty five(Törti fayv) |
36 |
Thirty six(Törti siks) |
37 |
Thirty seven(Törti sevın) |
38 |
Thirty eight(Törti eyt) |
39 |
Thirty nine(Törti nayn) |
- Numbers 40-59
40 |
Forty(Forti) |
41 |
Forty one(Forti van) |
42 |
Forty two(Forti tu) |
43 |
Forty three(Forti tıri) |
44 |
Forty four(Forti for) |
45 |
Forty five(Forti fayv) |
46 |
Forty six(Forti siks) |
47 |
Forty seven(Forti sevın) |
48 |
Forty eight(Forti eyt) |
49 |
Forty nine(Forti nayn) |
50 |
Fifty(Fifti) |
51 |
Fifty one(Fifti van) |
52 |
Fifty two(Fifti tu) |
53 |
Fifty three(Fifti tıri) |
54 |
Fifty four(Fifti for) |
55 |
Fifty five(Fifti fayv) |
56 |
Fifty six(Fifti siks) |
57 |
Fifty seven(Fifti sevın) |
58 |
Fifty eight(Fifti eyt) |
59 |
Fifti nine(Fifty nayn) |
- Numbers 60-79
60 |
Sixty(Siksti) |
61 |
Sixty one(Siksti van) |
62 |
Sixty two(Siksti tu) |
63 |
Sixty three(Siksti tıri) |
64 |
Sixty four(Siksti for) |
65 |
Sixty five(Siksti fayv) |
66 |
Sixty six(Siksti siks) |
67 |
Sixty seven(Siksti sevın) |
68 |
Sixty eight(Siksti eyt) |
69 |
Sixty nine(Siksti nayn) |
70 |
Seventy(Sevınti) |
71 |
Seventy one(Sevınti van) |
72 |
Seventy two(Sevınti tu) |
73 |
Seventy three(Sevınti tıri) |
74 |
Seventy four(Sevınti for) |
75 |
Seventy five(Sevınti fayv) |
76 |
Seventy six(Sevınti siks) |
77 |
Seventy seven(Sevınti sevın) |
78 |
Seventy eight(Sevınti eyt) |
79 |
Seventy nine(Sevınti nayn) |
- Numbers 80-99
80 |
Eighty(Eyti) |
81 |
Eighty one(Eyti van) |
82 |
Eighty two(Eyti tu) |
83 |
Eighty three(Eyti tıri) |
84 |
Eighty four(Eyti for) |
85 |
Eighty five(Eyti fayv) |
86 |
Eighty six(Eyti siks) |
87 |
Eighty seven(Eyti sevın) |
88 |
Eighty eight(Eyti eyt) |
89 |
Eighty nine(Eyti nayn) |
90 |
Ninety(Naynti) |
91 |
Ninety one(Naynti van) |
92 |
Ninety two(Naynti tu) |
93 |
Ninety three(Naynti tıri) |
94 |
Ninety four(Naynti for) |
95 |
Ninety five(Naynti fayv) |
96 |
Ninety six(Naynti siks) |
97 |
Ninety seven(Naynti sevın) |
98 |
Ninety eight(Naynti eyt) |
99 |
Ninety nine(Naynti nayn) |
100 : One hundred/ a hundred(Van handrıd/ e handrıd) 🙌
Example Sentences with English Numbers
- "I have two apples." (İki elmam var.) 🍏
- "She bought three books yesterday." (Dün üç kitap aldı.) 📚
- "There are five people in the room." (Odada beş kişi var.) 👤
- "He needs to study for ten hours for the exam." (Sınav için on saat çalışması gerekiyor.) ✍️
- "My grandmother is eighty years old." (Büyükannem seksen yaşında.) 🧓
English of numbers is one of the subjects that should be learned at the basic level of English. It is a topic that we use frequently in daily conversations and makes our lives easier. As Sculin.com, we have prepared a practical and entertaining guide to improve your English language skills in this blog post.
For more and useful information, you can visit our blog posts and take a look at our trainings to improve your English.