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English Words Used in Turkish

What are the English words used in Turkish? What are the words that have transitioned from English to Turkish? How many words are commonly used in both English and Turkish?

English Words Used in Turkish

If you've ever wondered about these questions and are curious about the words that bring these two very different languages together on common ground, you'll find that the list is quite extensive! In fact, there are thousands of such words. However, we will only list some of them here...

What are the English Words Used in Turkish?

Turkish and English are two languages with different origins. Turkish is used by Turks and is the official language of Turkey. English, on the other hand, is a member of the West Germanic language family, originating from England.

Despite the many differences between the two languages, there are surprisingly many words in common!

This extensive vocabulary acts as a bridge connecting the two languages, thus linking the two cultures.

Many of the common words we mention are pronounced similarly and carry the same or similar meanings. Some, however, have different meanings in Turkish and English.

So, let's explore the list of English words used in Turkish and discover the common words in these two languages...

Common English-Turkish Words:

Some of the words that we encounter in the list of common English-Turkish words, in terms of pronunciation and meaning, include:

  • Defans / Defense,
  • Dekorasyon / Decoration,
  • Depo / Depot,
  • Delta / Delta,
  • Dinamo / Dynamo,
  • Diyalog / Dialogue,
  • Element / Element,
  • Elektrik / Electricity,
  • Galeri / Gallery,
  • Futbol / Football,
  • Final / Final,
  • Fabrika / Factory,
  • Ekspres / Express,
  • Enerji / Energy,
  • Kilo / Kilo,
  • Grafik / Graphic,
  • Hamam / Hammam,
  • Genel / General,
  • İstasyon / Station,
  • İzolasyon / Isolation,
  • İllüstrasyon / Illustration,
  • Karakter / Character.

English Words Adopted into Turkish:

Of course, the words we can list do not end here. Here are some other examples of English words used in Turkish:

  • Polis / Police,
  • Kopya / Copy,
  • Kontrol / Control,
  • Kravat / Cravat,
  • Kedi / Cat,
  • Bisiklet / Bicycle, Banka / Bank,
  • Kamera / Camera,
  • Otobüs / Bus,
  • Şampiyon / Champion,
  • Karton / Carton,
  • Kanvas / Canvas,
  • Apartman / Apartment,
  • Konser / Concert,
  • Koku / Cologne,
  • Kedi / Kitten.

Common Turkish-English Words:

In addition, among the English words used in Turkish, we find:

  • Teknoloji / Technology,
  • Stadyum / Stadium,
  • Taksimetre / Taximeter,
  • Restoran / Restaurant,
  • Proje / Project,
  • Posta / Post,
  • Popüler / Popular,
  • Ofis / Office,
  • Müze / Museum,
  • Market / Market,
  • Makyaj / Makeup,
  • Magazin / Magazine,
  • Madalyon / Medal,
  • Lobi / Lobby,
  • Lider / Leader,
  • Konsol / Console,
  • Kontrast / Contrast…

We've shared some of the English words used in Turkish. To learn more and elevate your English knowledge to the next level, taking advantage of the benefits this language offers throughout your life, now is the perfect time to become part of the Sculin.com family!

Don’t delay in joining us to learn common English-Turkish words with Sculin, and - to put it aptly - swim joyfully in the vast sea of English! Live online lessons from native English-speaking teachers, current and international-level educational resources, personal coaching, free Speaking Club lessons, and much more await you at Sculin.com!


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