Future Perfect Tense Examples
Future Perfect Tense Examples
One of the rules of English grammar, “Future Perfect Tense” is used in all situations where we predict that it will be done and finished at a certain time in the future.
It is used as one of the future tense structures in English. It is translated into Turkish exactly as “Completed Actions in the Future Time”. Future Perfect Tense is used in actions that will take place and finish in the future. We can say that its equivalent in Turkish is the addition of the suffix -mış/miş olur to actions.
Future Perfect Tense Subject Description
Future Perfect Tense is used to express actions that will be completed and finished by a certain time in the future. The auxiliary verb “will have” and the 3rd form of the verb (V3) are used in the sentence. In other words, the Future Perfect Tense sentence structure is formed as subject + will have + V3 + …. It can be translated into Turkish as “will have been done until a certain time in the future”.
If we give examples of Future Perfect Tense with Positive, Negative and Question Sentences;
Positive Sentences:
● I will have moved to Ankara by this time next year.
● You will have moved to Ankara by this time next year.
● He/She/It will have moved to Ankara by this time next year.
● We will have moved to Ankara by this time next year.
● You will have moved to Ankara by this time next year.
● They will have moved to Ankara by this time next year.
Negative Sentences:
Using the Future Perfect Tense, "I will not have finished the work given to me by next week." We can translate the sentence as follows:
● I will not have finished the task given to me by next week.
● You will not have finished the task given to you by next week.
● He/She/It will not have finished the task given to him/her/it by next week.
● We will not have finished the task given to us by next week.
● You will not have finished the task given to you by next week.
● They will not have finished the task given to them by next week. (They will not have finished the work given to them by next week.)
Interrogative Sentences:
● Will I have finished my school by the end of 2025?
● Will you have finished your school by the end of 2025?
● Will he/she/it have finished his/her/its school by the end of 2025?
● Will we have finished our school by the end of 2025?
● Will you have finished your school by the end of 2025? (Will you have finished your school by the end of 2025?)
● Will they have finished their school by the end of 2025? (Will they have finished their school by the end of 2025?)
Future Perfect Tense Verb Conjugations
In English, verbs are conjugated as V1, V2 and V3 according to their tenses. In the Future Perfect Tense, will + have + V3 (the third form of the verb) is used. Accordingly; question sentence, positive and negative sentences are constructed as follows:
For I,You,They:
● Positive: Subject (Subject) + will + have + V3 (Third form of the verb)
● Negative: Subject (Subject) + will + not + have + V3 (Third form of the verb)
● Question: Will + Subject (Subject) + have + V3 (Third form of the verb)
For He,She,It:
● Positive: Subject (he, she, it) + will + have + V3 (Third form of the verb)
● Negative: Subject (he, she, it) + will + not + have + V3 (Third form of the verb)
● Question: Will + Subject (he, she, it) + have + V3 (Third form of the verb)
Things to Know About Future Perfect Tense:
● In Future Perfect Tense sentences, there is usually a certain time The most common time markers are used. They come at the end of the sentence with expressions such as "by" (until this time), "by the time" (until then).
● Future Perfect Tense expresses actions that will be completed by a certain time in the future.
Future Perfect Tense Olumlu Cümle Örnekleri:
● You will have found a new job by the end of this year. (Bu yılın sonunda yeni bir iş bulmuş olacaksın.)
● By the time you have read that book, I will have finished writing my report. (Sen o kitabı okuyup bitirdiğin zamana kadar ben raporumu yazmayı bitirmiş olacağım.)
Olumsuz Future Perfect Tense Örnekler:
Cümleyi olumsuz yapmanız için ‘will not/ won’t’ olumsuzluk ekini eklemelisiniz.
● When they come to us, my mother won't have left. (Onlar bize geldiğinde annem gitmiş olmayacak.)
● When we go to the café, we won't have eaten. (Biz kafeye gittiğimizde yemek yemiş olmayacağız.)
Future Perfect Tense Soru Cümlesi Örnekleri:
Cümlelerin soru hâline getirilmesinde will yardımcı fiili başa gelerek yine will + subject + have + V3(fiilin üçüncü hali) ile kurulur.
Olumlu soru cümlelerine şu örnekleri verebiliriz:
● Will you have finished your homework by the time I get home? (Eve geldiğimde ödevini bitirmiş olacak mısın?)
● Will she have read the book by next week? (O, gelecek hafta kitabı okumuş olacak mı?)
Olumsuz soru cümlesi yaparken ise yine will ve olumsuzluk eki not eki gelir. Will + not + subject(özne) + have + V3(fiilin üçüncü hali) kullanılır. Şöyle ki:
● Won't they have completed the project by next week? (Gelecek haftaya kadar projeyi tamamlamış olmayacaklar mı?)
● Won't she have left by the time we arrive? (Biz vardığımızda o gitmiş olmayacak mı?)
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