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German Days

In our blog post, we share German days and their examples. You can improve your German language skills by learning these words!

German Days


The language learning process is much more than just learning new words. While learning German, it is useful to learn basic German expressions to improve your language skills. By learning German days, you can improve your daily speaking skills and get to know the richness of German.


German Days

As Sculin.com, in our blog post, we will share German days, show sentence examples where these words are used and improve your German language skills. If you are ready, let's get started! 🚀


How to Write German Days?






























German Days

Monday (Montag):


● The German word "Montag" is derived from the Latin word "dies Lunae" (Moon day).


● This day, dedicated to the moon, signifies the beginning of the work week.


Tuesday (Dienstag):


● "Dienstag" is derived from the Latin word "dies Martis" (Mars day).


● Mars is the god of war in Roman mythology. This day is associated with war and victory.


Wednesday (Mittwoch):


● The German word "Mittwoch" means "midweek" in direct meaning.


● This day's name is not dedicated to a god, but refers to the middle of the week.


Thursday (Donnerstag):


● "Donnerstag" means "thunder day" in German and is dedicated to Thor.


● Thor is the god of thunder and lightning in Northern European mythology.


Friday (Freitag):


● "Freitag" is derived from the Latin "dies Veneris" (day of Venus).


● Venus is the goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology.


Saturday (Samstag):


● "Samstag" is derived from the Latin "dies Saturni" (day of Saturn).


● Saturn is the god of agriculture and fertility in Roman mythology.


Sunday (Sonntag):


● "Sonntag" means "day of the Sun" in German and is derived from the word "Sonne" (Sun).


● This day is associated with rest and worship in many cultures.


German Day Abbreviations

● Montag (Mo.): Monday


● Deinstag (Di.): Tuesday


● Mittwoch (Mi.): Wednesday


● Donnerstag (Do.): Thursday


● Freitag (Fr.): Friday


● Samstag/Sonnabend (Sa.): Saturday


● Sonntag (So.): Sunday


Things to Consider When Writing German Days



● Day names in German always start with a capital letter. For example, "Montag" (Monday), "Dienstag" (Tuesday), "Mittwoch" (Wednesday).


Writing in Order:


● German days are written in order, just like in English, and the weekly calendar order is usually taken into account.


Plural and Singular Usage:


● German day names also have plural forms. However, when referring to days, the singular form is usually used. For example, “Am Montag” (Monday), “Am Freitag” (Friday).


Prepositions with Day Names:


● The preposition "Am" is used with day names. For example, "Am Dienstag" (Tuesday), "Am Samstag" (Saturday). This usage is similar to the English usage of "on".


German Days and Example Sentences

Monday (Montag):

● Am Montag is always a busy day.


● I always have a lot of work to do on Mondays.


Tuesday (Dienstag):

● Dienstags are usually in a fitness studio.


● I usually go to the gym on Tuesdays.


Wednesday (Mittwoch):

● Am Mittwoch is always a good time for me.


● I meet my friends on Wednesdays.

Thursday (Donnerstag):

● Donnerstags are always at home.


● I work from home on Thursdays.


Friday (Friday):

● I often go to the cinema in the cinema.


● On Fridays we usually go to the cinema.


Saturday (Samstag):

● Samstags are often in a long park.


● On Saturdays I usually take a long walk in the park.


Sunday (Sunday):

● Sunrise is always a good day and night.


● On Sundays I relax and read a good book.


The best online German course: Learn German with Sculin.com!

Take your first step towards learning German by reading our German Days blog post. Start learning German with Sculin and take your language skills to the next level!


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