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German Seasons

In our blog post, we share the seasons in German and their examples. Learn these words to improve your German language skills!

German Seasons

Knowing the seasons while learning German is very useful in everyday conversations and for topics like the weather. In German, the seasons are called “die Jahreszeiten” and each is defined by its own weather conditions and characteristics.


German Seasons


In our blog post at Sculin.com, you can find the names of the seasons in German, their examples, and expressions that will help you practice. Let's get started! 🚀


How to Write Seasons in German?


Spring – der Frühling 🌸


Summer – der Sommer ☀️


Autumn – der Herbst 🍂


Winter – der Winter ❄️


German Seasons - Characteristics and Months

Spring (der Frühling) 🌸

● Nature comes to life again after the cold days of winter.


● Trees bud, flowers bloom and everywhere turns green.


● Warm and rainy weather is common, occasionally thunderstorms occur.


● Birds return from migration, nature becomes lively and everywhere becomes lively.


● People spend more time outside, parks and gardens come to life.




● März (March)


● April (April)


● Mai (May)


Summer (der Sommer) ☀️

● Air temperatures increase, long and sunny days are experienced.


● Beaches, lakes and outdoor activities become popular as it is the holiday season.


● Activities such as picnics, camping, swimming and festivals become widespread.


● Nature becomes most vibrant and fertile, fruits and vegetables ripen.


● It is the longest period of the year and the shortest nights.




● Juni (June)


● Juli (July)


● August (August)


Autumn (der Herbst) 🍂

● The leaves of the trees turn yellow, orange and red and begin to fall.


● The weather cools down, windy and rainy days become more frequent.


● It is an important period for agriculture as it is harvest time.


● It is a busy season for students and teachers as the new academic year begins.


● A romantic and melancholic atmosphere specific to autumn is created.




● September (September)


● Oktober (October)


● November (November)


Winter (der Winter) ❄️

● Air temperatures drop, snowfall is seen in many regions.


● Warm clothes are worn, hot drinks are preferred and time spent at home increases.


● Special celebrations such as Christmas and New Year's add a different atmosphere to the winter season.


● Winter sports (skiing, snowboarding, ice skating) become popular.


● It is the shortest time of the year and the longest night.




● December (December)


● January (January)


● February (February)


Seasons in German - Sample Sentences and Translations

We see that seasons are used frequently in German. Learning this easy and fun topic is a fun part of learning German.


If you are ready, let's take a look at German seasons and sentences and translations!


● Im Frühling blühen die Blumen und die Tage werden wärmer.

(In spring, flowers bloom and the days get warmer.)


● In the summer, people are always on the beach and enjoying the sun.


● In the summer, many people go to the beach and enjoy the sun.


● In the autumn, the leaves fall from the trees and the air cools down.


● In winter, people wear warm clothes and have snowball fights.


In winter, people wear warm clothes and have snowball fights.


Words Used with German Seasons

There are words that are frequently encountered in sentences with the German words for seasons. Let's look at some of these words:


● das Wetter → Weather


● sonnig/klar → Sunny, clear weather


● bewölkt → Cloudy


● der Regen → Rain


● der Schnee → Snow


● der Wind → Wind


● die Luftfeuchtigkeit → Humidity


● die Temperatur → Temperature


● die Blume → Flower


● der Baum → Tree


● das Herbstlaub → Autumn leaves turn yellow


● der Strand → Beach


● der Berg → Mountain


● das Meer / die See → Sea


● die Reise → Travel


● das Festival → Festival


● blühen → To open (Flowers to bloom)


● heiß sein → To be warm


● kalt sein → Cold be


● kühl sein → Cool be


The Best Online German Course: Learn German with Sculin.com!

Take your first step in learning German by reading our German Seasons blog post. Start learning German with Sculin and take your language skills to the next level!


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