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Usage of Have/Has

In our article "Usage of Have/Has", we shared what the concepts of Have and Has are used in English and how they are used!

Usage of Have/Has

English is one of the most frequently spoken languages ​​in the world and therefore one of the languages ​​that need to be learned most frequently. When learning English, grammar issues are always the most fundamental point to be learned. It is important at this point to know well the use of has/have, which is the most basic of grammatical issues.

As Sculin.com, we shared with you in this article what the concepts of has-have are, how and where they are used! So let's start!


"Have" and "has" are two of the most frequently used verbs in English, and both actually convey a possessive meaning. These two verbs vary depending on the subject of the sentence. Have-has can also be used as an auxiliary verb in some cases. How about looking at its usage areas together?

Use in the Meaning of Possession


  • "Have" fiili, İngilizcedeki "I", "you", "we" ve "they" özneleriyle beraber kullanılır.
    • Örnek: I have a cat. (Bir kedim var.) 🐈
    • Örnek: They have a car. (Bir arabaları var.) 🚗


  • "Has" fiili, İngilizcedeki "he", "she" ve "it" özneleriyle beraber kullanılır.
    • Örnek: He has a house. (Onun bir evi var.) 🏠
    • Örnek: She has a computer. (Onun bir bilgisayarı var.) 💻

Use as Auxiliary Verb

Have/Has + Past Participle (Geçmiş zamanın üçüncü hali)

  • Have/has bu yapıyla beraber kullanıldığında present perfect tense oluşmaktadır.
    • "Have" ve "has" bu durumda yardımcı fiil olarak kullanılır.
    • Örnek: I have written the report. (Ben raporu yazdım.) 🧾
    • Örnek: I have washed the dishes.(Ben bulaşıkları yıkadım.) 🍽️

Use in Negative and Interrogative Sentences

Olumsuz Cümleler

  • Have ve has, olumsuz cümlelerde "Do not have" veya "does not have" yapılarına dönüşür.
    • Örnek: You do not have any pets. (Hiç evcil hayvanın yok.) 🐕
    • Örnek: He does not have a bicycle. (Onun bir bisikleti yok.) 🚲

Soru Cümleleri

  • Have ve has, soru cümlelerinde "Do you have" veya "Does he/she/it have" yapılarına dönüşür.
    • Örnek: Do you have a motorcycle? (Bir motosikletin var mı?) 🛵
    • Örnek: Does she have a dress? (Onun bir elbisesi var mı?) 👗

Have/Has Difference

These two verbs actually have a very clear distinction. As we mentioned above, has-have is used with different subjects. In the Simple Present Tense, the verbs are suffixed with "s" depending on the subject. This is what the concept of have/has consists of. Has is the “s” suffixed form of the concept have.

Have I,We,You,They
Has He,She,It

There is no difference in meaning between the two concepts. They are verbs that vary only depending on the subject.

Have/Has Example Sentences

I have a new phone. Benim yeni bir telefonum var.  📱
You have a big house. Senin büyük bir evin var. 🏠
We have three cats. Bizim üç kedimiz var. 😸
They have a meeting today. Onların bugün bir toplantısı var. 📅
He has a red car. Onun kırmızı bir arabası var.  🚗
She has two brothers. Onun iki erkek kardeşi var. 🙋
It has a long tail. Onun uzun bir kuyruğu var. 🦊
The dog has a blue collar. Köpeğin mavi bir tasması var. 🐕‍🦺


Learning the concepts and usage of have has in order to lay a good foundation at the beginning of the English learning process makes this process as easy as possible. We, Sculin.com, are with you in your English learning adventure!

In this blog post, we shared with you English girls' and boys' names and the traditions behind foreign names. Every name has its own value and journey, let's not forget!

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