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What Does PM Mean?

In our article "What Does PM Mean", we talked about what the concept of PM is used in English for watches, when it is used, and "What are the differences between PM and AM".

What Does PM Mean?


We all know the expression PM, which is frequently used when making sentences or talking about time in English. If we look at what PM means, which is used to understand the time well and to understand which time zone we are in, PM is a term of Latin origin and is used to use and distinguish the 12-hour time zones of a day. The concept of “PM” means “Post Meridiem” and is used for the “afternoon” period in English.

What Does PM Mean?

Generally, English-speaking countries divide the day into 12-hour time periods, and the concepts of AM and PM are used to indicate these two time periods. Two time periods are divided into am and pm.

“AM” means “before meridian” in Latin and shows us the time period from 23:59 at night to 12:00 at noon. “PM” means “after meridian” in Latin and covers the period from 12:00 at noon to 23:59 at midnight.

For example;

1:00 PM : 1 p.m.
5:35 PM : 5:35 in the afternoon
9:50 PM : 9:50 in the afternoon
8:23 PM :8:23 PM
4:11 PM : 4:11 in the afternoon
PM Usage

In countries that use 12-hour time zones, the concept of PM is used to understand which part of the day they are in. In this way, people communicate more clearly and avoid confusion about time. If someone uses PM when telling you about their schedule for hours, you should understand that their schedule will be somewhere between the afternoon and midnight. And he wants to tell you this.

Explanation with Examples
5:00 PM: 5 p.m.
This time in the 12-hour period is expressed as 17:00 in the 24-hour period.
9:00 PM: 9 PM
This time in the 12-hour period is expressed as 21:00 in the 24-hour period.
★     So what will we use for the period from midnight to noon?

Here we encounter the concept of “AM”. It is a concept used in the opposite sense of the concept of PM, meaning "Ante Meridiem" in Latin, meaning before noon. We can say that the main difference between AM and PM is the usage time. It depends entirely on what time it is and is used that way.

For example;

 1 AM Öğleden önce 1
 4 PM Öğleden sonra 4
 9 AM Öğleden önce 9
 6 AM Öğleden önce 6
 5 PM Öğleden sonra 5
 2 AM Öğleden önce 2
 10 PM Öğleden sonra 10
 3 AM Öğleden önce 3
 7 PM Öğleden sonra 7

"What is the AM-PM Difference?"

To get more information about the concept of "PM" and to learn the differences between the concept of "AM", click "What is the Difference Between AM and PM?" You can look at our blog post.


In our daily lives, expressing time correctly is a very important issue in communicating effectively. The concept of “PM” indicates the hours starting from the afternoon until midnight.

Identifying and separating this is helpful when planning or traveling when communicating in English. It is also very important to know the concept of PM, which is a concept frequently used in all areas of communication, and to use it correctly.

For more useful information and such content, you can check out our blog posts, benefit from our trainings and visit Sculin.com!

In this blog post, we shared with you English girls' and boys' names and the traditions behind foreign names. Every name has its own value and journey, let's not forget!

For more useful information and such content, you can check out our blog posts, benefit from our trainings and visit Sculin.com!


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