YDS (Foreign Language Proficiency Test) is an exam organized to measure the language proficiency of individuals in their academic careers. Organized by Higher Education Institutions, YDS is a language proficiency exam prepared for those who want to apply for academic staff recruitment and master's or doctoral programs.
Who Can Take YDS?
High School Graduates |
High School Graduates |
Master's and PhD Candidates |
Research Assistant Candidates |
Faculty Member and Associate Professor Candidates |
Those Who Want to Work in Public Institutions |
Those Taking Preparatory and Exemption Exams |
Those Who Want to Work in the Private Sector |
Anyone Who Wants to Document Their Language Proficiency |
What does YDS stand for?
YDS stands for "Foreign Language Proficiency Test". YDS measures the language proficiency of candidates in Turkey.
When is YDS?
Foreign Language Proficiency Exam (YDS) is generally held twice a year. Exam dates change every year. According to the exam calendar announced by ÖSYM at the beginning of each new year, the 2024 YDS dates are as follows:
YDS-1 2024
Exam Date: 24.03.2024
Application Date: 07.02.2024-15.02.2024
Late Application Date: 22.02.2024
Completion Date: 25.04.2024
YDS-2 2024
Exam Date: 03.11.2024
Application Date: 17.09.2024-25.02.2024
Late Application Date: 02.10.2024
Completion Date: 22.11.2024
Question Distribution in YDS
6 soru |
Kelime Bilgisi |
10 soru |
Dil Bilgisi |
10 soru |
Cloze Test |
6 soru |
Çeviri |
10 soru |
Cümle Tamamlama |
20 soru |
Okuma Parçası Yorumlama |
5 soru |
Diyalog Boşluk Tamamlama |
4 soru |
Anlamca En Yakın Cümleyi Bulma |
4 soru |
Paragraf Tamamlama |
5 soru |
Anlam Bütünlüğünü Bozan Cümle |
YDS consists of 80 questions in total and takes 180 minutes.
YDS fee for 2024 has been determined by ÖSYM as 490 TL. YDS fee is paid via ÖSYM's website or by depositing it to contracted banks. If you miss the application deadlines, the late fee period changes to 735 TL.
How Many Years Is YDS Valid?
YDS score is generally valid for 5 years after the exam result is announced. During this period, you can apply with your valid score. However, your score loses its validity after this period.
Some institutions determine their own validity periods in special cases. Therefore, before applying, it would be best to obtain up-to-date information from the institution you will apply to.
YDS Levels
Avrupa Ortak Dil Çerçevesi Seviyeleri |
YDS Puanı |
A1 |
30 |
A2 |
45 |
B1 |
60 |
B2 |
75 |
C1 |
95 |
C2 |
100 |
What is YDS used for?
1. Academic Career
Some universities require students' YDS score as language proficiency for postgraduate education applications.
2. Public Institutions and Organizations
Some public institutions and organizations require YDS score to measure language proficiency in personnel recruitment.
In addition, YDS results may be required for individuals working in public institutions to receive language compensation.
3. Private Sector
Some international companies require their candidates to prove their knowledge of foreign languages. Here, candidates can request their YDS score.
4. Other Purposes
YDS score may be requested to ensure equivalence in Turkey for an individual's education or job opportunities abroad.
In Which Languages Is YDS Done?
YDS spring term exams, English, French, German, Chinese, Bulgarian, Chinese, Danish, Persian, Armenian, Georgian, Spanish, Dutch, Korean, Japanese, Polish, Italian, Serbian, Hungarian, Portuguese, Russian, Greek, Ukrainian and Romanian It is done in their language.
YDS autumn semester exams are held in English, French, Arabic, Russian and German.
YDS Course - Online YDS Course
YDS is an important step necessary for success in your career journey. You can prepare for the exam and be successful with the YDS course or Online YDS Course.
Online YDS courses not only improve your language skills but also help you succeed in the exam. The interactive course system prepares you for YDS with expert instructors.
With Sculin.com online language learning platform, you can prepare for YDS and systematically improve your foreign language skills. Benefits of preparing for YDS with Sculin.com:
You learn and practice the exam format and question types.
You will correct your shortcomings by taking live lessons and feedback from instructors.
You manage your learning process by working at your own pace and time.
Are you ready? Get one step closer to your goals with the online YDS course and make the progress in your language visible.
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